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Jours tranquilles à Paris
28 octobre 2016

Milo Moiré

28 octobre 2016


Photographer Paul Gisle's and model Zoi Gorman team up in this exclusive for this week's spotlight series, 'DUOS!'.  Known for his clean approach to art regardless of medium, Paul Gisle is recognized as an influential contemporary photographer, director and producer. Born in the United States, Paul first developed a love for film photography at age eight. Since that time he has held countless (and thankless) jobs. For the past many years, Paul has been engaged full time as a photographer, director and film producer, with credits in all genres.

Inspired by painters such as Caravaggio, Diego Velazquez, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Reni, El Greco and Vermeer, together with photographers Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon, David Bailey, Peter Lindbergh, Paulo Roversi, Sarah Moon and Ellen Von Unwerth, among many others, it seems clear that Paul Gisle is driven by his passion for the uncomfortable. While his efforts may ultimately prove to be futile, Gisle seeks to capture the essence and soul of every subject, and to bring awareness to elements of society that might otherwise be forgotten or marginalized. Gisle has said that he is drawn to those who are determined to push accepted boundaries, in terms of content, style and any limitations placed on who or what might be otherwise considered an appropriate subject; are masters with light, shadow, tone, color and composition; and those who recognize the power of art to lead or force change for the better. Gisle's admiration for strong women and his desire to present them in an empowering, realistic manner is also clearly a driving force of his work and a passion, together with his admiration of various subcultures and those committed to live freely and without harm to others.

Paul Gisle works internationally and divides his down time between Brooklyn, Paris, Nashville and Los Angeles.

Shortly after arriving in Amsterdam in late summer, Paul Gisle met supermodel Zoi Gorman in a café not far from his rented canal house. After discovering their shared love of photography, Gisle and Zoi decided to spend a few hours working together on a non-budget, spur of the moment editorial using Paul’s house as a backdrop. Along with a few items that Gorman had in her bag from a shoot earlier that day, the two used what they had at their disposal to shoot this editorial. The two have since become friends and plan to shoot in Istanbul and Greece during 2017.

See more of Paul Gisle's work here:  INSTAGRAM / WEBSITE







27 octobre 2016

Salon du Chocolat - porte de Versailles

27 octobre 2016


croi (1)

croi (2)

croi (3)

27 octobre 2016

Gigi Hadid


27 octobre 2016

Politique : Primaire à droite

Primaire à droite : Alain Juppé accroît encore son avance face à Nicolas Sarkozy, selon un sondage Harris Interactive pour France Télévisions

Alain Juppé fait toujours la course en tête. Avec 40% des intentions de vote au premier tour de la primaire à droite, le maire de Bordeaux confirme son avance sur Nicolas Sarkozy (31%), selon une étude Harris Interactive pour France Télévisions, publiée jeudi 27 octobre. L'ancien président de la République est en recul de 3 points par rapport à la semaine dernière et de 6 points depuis la rentrée politique (mi-septembre 2016).

27 octobre 2016

L'art du nu couché...

27 octobre 2016

Khoudia Diop

Cliquez ici

Il faut souvent du temps avant de se rendre compte de sa propre beauté. Khoudia Diop n’a que 19 ans et après avoir été moquée et harcelée, elle affiche fièrement son visage et son corps sur Instagram, encourageant celles et ceux qui la lisent à assumer pleinement leurs différences. Dotée d’une peau particulièrement foncée, elle fascine les internautes et les séduit par son discours.

27 octobre 2016

Vu sur instagram


27 octobre 2016

Je m'en bats les boobs !


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