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Jours tranquilles à Paris

28 août 2016

Jardin éphémère - Vannes



27 août 2016



27 août 2016

Recherche personnelle


27 août 2016

Peter Lindbergh

On September 10th, the exhibition 'A Different Vision on Fashion Photography’ will open at #KunsthalRotterdam @kunsthal Presented as a visual journey about my passions and obsessions, the exhibition features nine galleries, the first being about the birth of the Supermodels. On the 1988 ‘White Shirts’ images, curator @thierrymaximeloriot explains: Back in 1988, ten years after moving from Düsseldorf to Paris to pursue his photographic career, Peter Lindbergh garnered international acclaim and launched the careers of a new generation of models because of one particular image he had recently taken of them. The photograph showed the models, barely known back then, unpretentious, giggling together on the beach, all dressed in white shirts and hardly any makeup, with no retouching in post-production. It was first turned down by American Vogue, as the magazine thought it did not reflect the magazine’s vision at the time. Lindbergh preferred to show strong and independent women, because he could not relate to the images of overly styled women the magazine featured. In January 1988, Lindbergh had gone to the beach in Santa Monica with #LindaEvangelista, #KarenAlexander, #ChristyTurlington, #EstelleLefebure, #TatjanaPatitz and #RachelWilliams. He asked Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele, the fashion editor, to bring only white shirts, no recognizable fashion. The result was a shock and a revelation in contrast to what had previously been done in fashion photography. As Lindbergh remembers: Back with the images, they just looked at them and put them in a drawer after asking me: ‘What are we supposed to do with THIS?’ When Anna Wintour took over editorship of Vogue USA in July 1988, she discovered the images rejected by her predecessors. Lindbergh had given the photographs to Liz Tilberis, then editor-in-chief at British Vogue, who decided to publish them in the October issue. Years later, in the book 100 Years of Vogue, the white shirt image was named the most important image of the 1980s. @carlynecerfdedudzeele @juliendys @karenalexanderofficial @lindaevangelista @tatjanapatitz @estellelefebure66 @rachel_williams1 @cturlington #PeterLindbergh @gagosiangallery @2bmanagement

Une vidéo publiée par Peter Lindbergh (@therealpeterlindbergh) le 27 Août 2016 à 8h27 PDT

Linda Evangelista, 1988. #aDifferentVisionOnFashionPhotography @kunsthal "The Canadian-born Linda Evangelista, shocked the fashion planet in 1988 by following Lindbergh’s advice to have her hair cut short by French hairstylist Julien d’Ys. Reluctant at first, she agreed as the photographer felt he had shot her in every possible way since she had started modeling in the mid-’80s. Evangelista’s new gamine pixie look, already popular in the fashion industry, made her lose a dozen contracts, but she gained many more. Later that year, she was featured on three simultaneous covers of Italian, French and American Vogue, which made her one of the most iconic models of her times." @lindaevangelista @juliendys #LindaEvangelista #JuliendYs Excerpt of introductory essay by exhibition curator @thierrymaximeloriot published by @taschen designed by @paprika_design #KunsthalRotterdam #PeterLindbergh @gagosiangallery @2bmanagement

Une photo publiée par Peter Lindbergh (@therealpeterlindbergh) le 27 Août 2016 à 13h01 PDT

27 août 2016

Eugénie Journée

27 août 2016

Soir d'été à Erdeven - Plage de Kerhilio (au mois d'août)

Musique en fête. Strass et punch à Kerhillio

Pari gagné pour la municipalité d’Erdeven : la soirée Musique en fête, vendredi 26 août, a tenu ses promesses avec une programmation variée et punchy. Mené par l'ancien leader des Clam's, Pascal Rault, le groupe Pat, Paul & Mic a ouvert la soirée avec ses chansons décapantes, avant de laisser place à Zap Song, un orchestre débordant d'une énergie communicative, accompagné de trois danseuses de music-hall des Magic folies, pour une ambiance strass, paillettes et rock'n'roll. Source : Le Télégramme


27 août 2016

Boutique d'un photographe




27 août 2016



27 août 2016

Photo retravaillée


27 août 2016

Larmor Plage


